Privacy Policy

Dear website visitor,

We appreciate your visit to our website and your interest in our company, AVIV Group GmbH, a limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) organized under the laws of Germany, having its registered office located at 65 Axel Springer Straße, 1088 Berlin (Germany), registered with the Berlin trade register under number HRB 172136 B, (hereinafter ‘AVIV’) and its products. We know that your personal data is important and we are committed to protecting it. This privacy policy (the ‘Privacy Policy’) aims to explain to you which personal data we collect about you, for which purposes/on what legal bases, and how we process it, including who we share it with.

We collect personal data about you in the following instances:

● When you visit our website
● When you register on our website
● When you are shortlisted for or participate in a study

Below you will find an overview of the personal data collected in each occasion, the applicable legal bases, and details on the data recipients.

1 Collection of personal data when visiting our website

(1) When the website is used purely to obtain information, i.e., if you do not register or submit information to AVIV in any other way (e.g. via email), the personal data collected by AVIV is the following, as sent by your browser to the AVIV server:

● IP address
● date and time of request
● time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
● content of request (specific page)
● access status/HTTP status code
● volume of data transmitted in each case
● website the request comes from
● your browser
● your operating system and interface
● language and version of browser software

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest to present you with our website and services.

Purpose of processing: This personal data is required for technical reasons in order to display the website and guarantee stability and security.

Storage: This information is stored in the server’s log files.

(2) This website is operated by TestingTime AG, Weststrasse 50, 8003 Zurich, Switzerland, which uses cookies for their own purposes. Cookies are data files that
are stored on your computer system by the internet browser. Cookies may help simplify the usage of websites for users. For more information, please review TestingTime Cookie Policy and Section 7 of this Privacy Policy.

2 Collection of personal data when you register on our website as a test user

You have the possibility of registering on our website by providing the following personal data:

● First and last name
● Date of birth
● Gender
● Country
● Postal code
● Time zone
● Languages
● Profile picture (optionnal)
● Email (requires validation)
● Mobile phone number (requires validation)

In addition to the above, your IP address as well as the date and time of registration are stored to prevent misuse of our services.

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing is your intent to conclude a contract with us (except for the Profile picture on the legal basis of your consent).

Purpose of processing: The processing of personal data is necessary in order for us to take specific steps before entering into a contract with you as a test user.

Storage: The personal data you submit is collected and stored for internal use by AVIV and for our own purposes.

3 Collection of personal data when you are shortlisted for a study

If we require personal data that is not yet saved in our database for a specific product study, we may request the missing information from the test user by means of an email containing a screening link. A response to the screening questions by the test user is voluntary.

Note that the selection of test users for a study depends on whether the individual test user has provided a response to a particular question. This results in an increase in the likelihood of being selected as a test user for a study.

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing is your intent to conclude a contract.

Purpose of processing: The processing of personal data is necessary in order for us to take specific steps before entering into a contract with you as a test user.

Storage: We rely on the principle of data minimisation and only use the data necessary for the performance of the study.

4 Collection of personal data when you are selected to participate in a study

If you are selected to participate in a study, we will send you a short reminder with the details.

The reminder will also prompt you to provide us with your IBAN or PayPal information so we can process your payment, if any.

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract.

Purpose of processing: The processing of personal data is necessary in order for us to submit your remuneration for participation in the study.

Storage: The personal data you submit is collected and stored for internal use by AVIV for the purposes of the study.

5 Your data protection rights

You have certain rights on the basis of the applicable data protection law. We will respond to your request without undue delay, at the latest within one calendar month after receipt. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.

Right to accessYou have a right to request a copy of the Personal Data held
by us as a data controller, which we will provide to you in an
electronic form.
Right to amendmentYou have the right to ask us to correct our records if you
believe they contain incorrect or incomplete information
about you.
Right to accessIf you have provided your consent to the collection,
processing and transfer of your Personal Data, you have the
right to fully or partly withdraw your consent. This includes
cases where you wish to opt out from marketing messages.
Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn
your consent, we will no longer process your information for
the purpose(s) to which you originally consented unless there
is another Legal Basis for the processing. To stop receiving
emails from us, please click on the “unsubscribe” link in the
email you received from us or contact us.
Right to erasureYou have the right to request that we delete your Personal
Data when it is no longer necessary for the Purposes for
which it was collected, or when it was unlawfully processed.
Right to restriction of processingYou have the right to request the restriction of our processing
of your Personal Data where you believe it to be inaccurate,
our processing is unlawful, or where we no longer need to
process it for the initial Purpose, but where we are not able to
delete it due to a legal obligation or because you do not want
us to delete it.
Right to portabilityYou have the right to receive or to request that we transmit
your personal data to another data controller in a common
format such as Excel, where this is data which you have
provided to us and where we are processing it by automated
means on the Legal Basis of your consent or in order to
perform our contractual obligations (e.g. to provide our
Right to object to processingWhere the legal basis for our processing of your personal
data is our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to
such processing on grounds relating to your particular
situation. We will abide by your request unless we have
compelling legitimate legal basis for the processing which
override your interests, or if we need to continue to process
the data for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authorityYou have the right of appeal to a data protection supervisory
authority if you believe that the processing of your personal
data violates data protection law.

6 Use of Google Analytics

(1) We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Alphabet Inc. (‘Google’). Google Analytics uses cookies, text files that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyse your use of the website. The information created by the cookie about your use of the website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address is truncated by Google beforehand within member states of the European Union or in other states that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the complete IP address transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities and to provide the operator of the website with other services related to the use of the website and internet usage.

(2) The IP address transmitted as part of the Google Analytics service is not combined with any other Google data.

(3) You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by changing your browser settings; however, in this case, you may not be able to use all of the website’s functions to the full extent. You can also prevent the storage of data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) and Google’s processing of this data by downloading and installing the plug-in available via the following link:

(4) This website uses Google Analytics with the extension ‘_anonymiseIp()’. This means that further processing of IP addresses takes place in a truncated form, which prevents personal identification. Wherever the data collected from you does identify you personally, it is immediately excluded and the personal data deleted at once.

(5) We use Google Analytics in order to be able to analyse usage of the website and make regular improvements. Using the statistics obtained, we can improve the website and make it more engaging for you as a user. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR.

(6) Information on the third-party provider: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, fax: +353 (1) 436 1001.

Terms of Service:,

overview of Data privacy:,

and Privacy Policy:

7 Use of Google AdWords

(1) We uses the Google AdWords service in order to draw attention to attractive offers on external websites by means of advertising media (‘Google AdWords’). In connection with this, the success of individual advertising measures can be determined on the basis of the advertising campaign data. We use this to track interest, to show you ads that may be of interest to you, to make this website more engaging for you and to achieve a fair calculation of advertising costs.

(2) These advertising materials are delivered by Google using ad servers. In this context, we use ad server cookies, which allow certain performance parameters to be measured, such as ad impressions or the number of clicks by users. If you reach this website by clicking on a Google ad, Google AdWords stores a cookie on your computer. These cookies generally become void after 30 days and are not designed to identify you personally. The analysis data stored in this cookie usually includes the unique cookie ID, the number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), the last impression (relevant for post-view conversions) and opt-out information (flagging that the user would not like to be contacted any more).

(3) These cookies enable Google to recognise your internet browser. If a user visits certain pages of the website of an AdWords customer and the cookie stored on their computer is still valid, Google and the customer can recognise that they clicked on the ad and were redirected to this page. Each AdWords customer is allocated a different cookie. Thus, cookies cannot be tracked across AdWords customers’ websites. As part of the advertising measures described, we do not collect or process any personal data but, instead, occasionally receives statistical analysis provided by Google. Using this analysis, we can identify which of the advertising measures used are particularly effective. We do not receive any additional data from the use of advertising materials, and the user cannot be identified on the basis of this information.

(4) Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Google server. We have no influence on the amount of data that is collected by Google through the use of this tool, nor on how the data will be used, and is therefore unable to provide any information in this regard. Through the integration of AdWords conversion tracking, Google is informed that you have accessed a particular part of our website or clicked on an ad of us. If you are registered with a Google service, Google can connect your visit with your account. Even if you are not registered with Google or are not logged in, there is a possibility that the provider will detect and store your IP address.

(5) You can prevent your participation in this tracking process in various ways: a) by changing the relevant setting in your browser software (specifically, rejecting third-party cookies will result in you not receiving ads from third-party providers); b) by deactivating cookies for conversion tracking by changing the settings in your browser so that cookies from the domain ‘’ are blocked, (it should be noted that this setting will be deleted if you delete your cookies); c) by deactivating interest-based advertising from providers who are signed up to the ‘About Ads’ self-regulation campaign using the link (it should be noted that this setting will be deleted if you delete your cookies); d) by permanent deactivation in your Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser using the link You may consequently not be able to use all functions of this service to the full extent.

(6) The legal basis for processing your data is our legitimate interest. You can find further information on Google’s Privacy Policy here: and Alternatively, you can visit the website
of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) at

8 Use of Facebook

(1) We use Facebook Ads for test user acquisition and we have a link to our Facebook presence integrated on our website.

(2) The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. If a data subject lives outside the USA or Canada, the controller for the processing of personal data is Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

(3) Facebook’s published Data Policy, which can be accessed at, provides information about how personal data is collected, processed or used by Facebook.

9 Use of LinkedIn

We use functions of the LinkedIn network. The provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time you access one of our pages that contains functions of LinkedIn, a connection to LinkedIn servers is established. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our web pages with your IP address. If you click the “Recommend Button” of LinkedIn and are logged into your account at LinkedIn, it is possible for LinkedIn to assign your visit to our website to you and your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by LinkedIn.

For more information, please refer to the LinkedIn privacy policy at:

10 Recipients, Service providers and international transfers

The following table shows which tools of which service providers are used by AVIV to operate the website and carry out sales and marketing activities. These service providers may be located outside of Switzerland and the EEA. Where this is the case, we rely on the contractual clauses approved by the EU commission to ensure an adequate protection of your Personal Data abroad and conduct, where there is reason to doubt the adequacy of protection, an impact assessment prior to such transfer.

50, 8003
TestingTime operates the website and
assists with the collection of user data as well as the selection of users for studies.
TestingTime's privacy policy and
sub-processors can be found under:
As recipient and affiliate of AVIV, this
company receives data about its customers
registering on TestingTime.
Digital Classifieds FranceDigital
France SAS, 2
rue des
75009 Paris,
As recipient and affiliate of AVIV, this
company receives data about its customers
registering on TestingTime.
SA/NV, Rue
aux Laines,
70 - 1000
As recipient and affiliate of AVIV, this
company receives data about its customers
registering on TestingTime.

11 Data Protection Officer

AVIV has a Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for ensuring that the legislation is being followed. The DPO can be contacted at with any questions or concerns you may have.


Date: September 2024