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Test new products and services: Share your opinion and get paid for it.
Become a paid test user now!


Tell us more about yourself

To make sure that you’re the right fit for a study, we’ll ask you some questions when you sign up. This will take less than 5 minutes. Your answers and data are secure and will only be used to match you to the right study.


We invite, you decide

When a study is available, we’ll send you an email invitation. We’ll ask you a few more questions and check whether you fit our customer’s required profile. If you’re a match, we’ll invite you to participate in the study. If you accept, you can pick a day and time that suits you.


Give feedback, have an impact and get paid

Test apps, websites, physical products, gadgets, food and many other things. You will be the first to discover future products and services, and you can influence their development. In addition, you’ll receive appropriate compensation for your efforts and insightful feedback.

Check out a study example


Some of the companies you might test with


Some of the companies you might test with


Some of the companies you might test with


Some of the companies you might test with


Still have questions?

What can I earn?

You will be able to earn some money with every test, but it will not be enough to make a living. This is largely due to the fact that you will be invited to tests on an irregular basis. How much exactly you will earn will depend on the type and length of each particular study, as well as on whether you will be able to participate in it from home or have to attend in person:

  • You can earn the most by participating in studies in person.
  • You earn a little less for user tests/interviews that you can take part in from home via video call.
  • You earn a little less than that when taking part in online surveys.


How long do tests last and where are they held?

Most studies range from 30 to 90 minutes. Some studies you can participate in from home (e.g., online surveys, phone or video calls), some are held at the customer’s premises.

How often can I participate in tests?

We want to be honest with you: It may take a while until you get to take part in your first study. Please be patient with us! How often you will participate in tests will depend on several factors.

  • The most important factor is your geographic location. If you are located in one of our core markets, where we have the most clients and therefore the most studies going on, then you will be receiving more test invitations. Our core countries are Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
  • Once you receive a study invitation in your inbox, you will have to have to answer a few questions to make sure that your profile is a right fit for that specific test. The more questions you answer over time, the better we will know your profile. This will help us send you invitations to tests in the future that are more relevant to your profile. It will also increase your chances of getting accepted to take part in studies.
  • After all, it is important for us to know that we are able to rely on you. If you show up to your studies on time and answer our questions honestly, we will be more likely to invite you to more studies in the future.

However, study invitations will always be sent out on an irregular basis and it will never be a full source of income.

What are the requirements to become a paid test user?

You do not need any specific education or work experience to become a tester. Two things are very important, however:

  • The first is honesty. We expect you to answer our questions truthfully and to share your opinion openly during testing.
  • The second is reliability. We expect you to show up on time once you have agreed to take part in a study. Should you be unable to attend, we ask you to let us know in advance and cancel as soon as possible.


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Give feedback and have an impact